The review wehave been promising is up

Post removed 

Twoleftears there is no advertising going on by us in the absolute sound.

Ok, but you carry this brand and you're posting a positive review. That be pimpin'

Maybe someone can dig up a negative review of this product for balance.

who da ho? who be pimpin’? you callin ME a HO? man you da HO and yo mama da HO MAMA

ok i got that outta my system, thank you

now @twoleftears -- throw away your gear stat, and call audiotroy so they can sell you a whole new rig that won’t sound broken... man you do not know what you are missin out on... 😂🤣😆🤗


I have a post up on Class D integrated and this guy is PM me trying to sell me:

We have an incredibile int we can sell you for 5k new66500

Call my store audio intellect nj
