Audio Research, AYON and Primaluna tube amplifiers.

Hello Agoners,

May I ask how would these 3 companies stand out from each others?

Can we rank them as for:

1. Sound quality

2. Performance

3. Reliable

4. Reputation.

5. Service and support

6. Resell value.

I’m still very new to tube amps and only had Cayin A-88T and VTL ST-150 in the past.


I am very familiar with ARC and PrimaLuna equipment and own both. ARC is absolutely top of the line equipment PrimaLuna is good budget equipment. From reading about Ayon… they sound to be a top notch company. For repairs and the like they have an address in Scottsdale Arizona, but they are an Austrian company. The ARC factory is in Minnesota.

Clearly Ayon and ARC are both top tier companies. ARC will have much greater recognition in the US, it has fantastic service and repairs much of their stuff decades old, offers upgrades.

I would listen to both and see which one you like better. They are both top tier companies. I would definitely give the nod to ARC if it is nearly a tie in the sound you want. I own all ARC gear… so, that is where I am coming from.


I am familiar with primaluna and Ayon.  I have an Ayon amp now, I would say the sound of ayon is clean, defined, and crisp with great soundstage.  I would put it a level above Primaluna. 


I am a PrimaLuna owner for 3 1/2 years. You did not state how much money you wanted to spend. I have used tube amplification for decades and the ease of use provided by prima Luna is truly incredible. ARC is a top-notch brand with terrific resale value and sound quality. ARC will definitely provide a more refined musical presentation than  prima Luna, which is very good. It satisfies me and I have had much more expensive tubed amplification in the past. Ayon I am not familiar with except they like chrome in their designs  which really is offputting to me.