The OP was on the Vandy forum and posted some very critical posts-mostly to the effect of how can the speakers be redesigned. He was told in no uncertain terms that he could modify the speakers to his heart’s delight, but the forum would not be party to it. Hence, he is on Audiogon trying to make the Vandy Forum sound ’cult-like’.
Far from it. The forum is for Vandersteen owners to share experiences and learn things they might not have known about. Yes, most forum posters are Vandy fans, we are those that find time and phase correct speakers to provide that ’je ne sais quoi’ that other speakers don’t. If you find ’25 year old Vandersteen technology’ to be so bad, why waste your time complaining?
@2psyop , posted a great reply, as did the other repliers.
Sorry the Vandy’s didn’t light your fire, but at least you found something that does.
And, to answer your question:
Yes, it is just you.