How much faster of a sub is the REL T5X vs SVS SB12-NSD

Looking for some advice as to how to determine how much faster one sub is from another. I’m not sure how to determine this just by reading the specs and could use some help in educating me with this.

Currently I have the SVS and sounds good but feel after all my adjustments and crawls, just can’t get the slap on some of the bass I desire. Everything I’ve seen about the T5X is it’s one of the fastest subs out there and blends well with Maggi’s 

Main speakers: Magnepan .7’s

Sub: SB-12NSD

Rogue RP-1 Preamp

Carver Crimson 275 Amp (Yea,I know about the test’s and read all the posts about it, it sounds good, so please don’t hijack this post with comments regarding the amp.)

I’m really tempted to take advantage of the REL Home Trial, but hope I can get some assistance first so can make an educated decision.




After trying or at the least seriously listening to them at shows "Either by early or late sessions to avoid possible crowding".

I auditioned them all.

And I do mean "All" of the offerings available on the higher end of the spectrum.

With the exception of that one "Krell" column. But knew I wasn't dropping ($50,000+) for a subwoofer anyway.

I decided on purchasing two for a stereo configuration from "Rythmik".

Each being servo-controlled and boasting (2 x 15") transducers. Which I then ordered and also paid for in full at that time. 

And a month later I was forced to alter my plans, as rythmik finally told me that there was no way they could provide any of the products which I had ordered!

"I'll just sum up the experience as apparently there were; (Insurmountable problems with shipping and also inventory control issues of biblical proportion)". 

"Yes", that really happened! But I believe now that it was all for the best, as things turned out!

I ended up going with the only subwoofer that had actually, "Wowed" me during my auditions. But a subwoofer which had at the time, just been taken out of production.

The "Martin Logan", "Descent".

With the three aluminum, (10") transducers in a triangular, vibration canceling cabinet. But of course, the model with the "Cherry" wood top option that I had chosen? It kept itself elusive and always, just out of my grasp.

Frustrated, and also because I had just so wanted "New".

I had then attempted to purchase the Rythmik offerings.

So finally I just found two "Descent's" all in black, which were used but with low miles. Both from the same fellow who happened to live near me for $1500 each.

Now I own (Seven) of them. All of them purchased as "used". And I could not be happier.

And I still audition subwoofers as I can. Just not at my home, most of the new offerings as they come out.

So you may wish to audition a used one of this type. And possibly save a few dollars in the process. 

One last point. And regardless of what the sales team will tell you...this is true.

There are two, quite distinctly different, servo-control systems used in subwoofers.

And either is "Far Superior" in accuracy and "IMHO", also listening pleasure. Than any sub with "No", "Servo-control" at all!

But I still feel this is a huge difference! One system which uses a "feedback loop" and an "averaging algorithm" to, "approximate" through averaging - how it controls the subwoofer/s. "Like the one utilized in the Rythmik, GR research". And most "If not all" other current subwoofers".

And then there is the "original" servo-control system. Which is much more difficult and also very expensive to manufacture by comparison. But this system stands head and shoulders above the other in both speed and quality of the results gained. This system is "Like the one in this Martin Logan model", the "Descent"

Also, the "Martin Logan", "Descent" works quite well as a side or end-tables too!

Good Luck!


Glad you found a good sub that works. The Descent looks like a killer sub.

If you send a signal to a well-designed sub-woofer it seems to me it will come back at you at pretty much the same time, whatever the model.

Why are you interested in 'fast'?

"fast" is a totally inappropriate term to use in regards to subwoofers. The speed at which the cone moves is determined by the frequency it is reproducing, the higher the faster. If a driver can't keep up with the frequency it rolls off. Most subs break-up before they roll off. Larger drivers or multiple drivers are always better because they produce more output with shorter excursions = lower distortion. 

A better term would be "dynamic" Some subs are more dynamic than others. This is very much dependent on the size of the driver and the amplifier used to drive them and the plate amps used in subwoofers generally stink not to mention a sub enclosure is not a great place for anything especially if it is a sealed sub due to temperature control. Amps working hard get hot so you can only use amplifier types that do not generate much heat. Passive subs with outboard amplifiers is a much more "dynamic" approach.  

This business about smaller driver being "faster" is totally and completely wrong. It is another example of lay intuition run amok.