The review wehave been promising is up


Member Jasonbourne52 on another topic was miffed over the outrageous prices of a tailored dress shirt , claiming anything and everything over his budget is a rip off.

Though I haven’t read the review I have owed the 432 Evo Aeon along with other servers/ streamers a borrowed Innuos Statement including very recently the exceptionally measured Rockna WaveDream Net server and WaveDream dac , over the past couple years I’ve listened to a verity front end components in my own system ranging in price from 1k to 15k it just boils down to personal preferences .

Many could be perfectly happy and content with a Chinese dac streamer under 1k though what I don’t understand is how people can begin to have any sort of an opinion on a component they’ve never actually listened to only to be triggered emotionally by the retail price a good example is Jasonbourns rant miffed at society he can’t buy a tailored shirt for under 10 bucks these days ,


TAS understands digital about as much as Neanderthals understand nuclear fusion. I’ll never get over their 4-part article where they said that music on a hard drive degrades when copied to a second drive.

"the best sounding music server..."

[In bit perfect mode] they all sound the same if you stream to a separate endpoint. There, you don’t need to spend $7500.

I can’t understand why anyone would want all their music played a quarter-tone flat.  

Anyone who states that the Paradigm Persona are bright and harsh has never owned them, and if theyve atleast listened to them they mustve been powered by a receiver.  Its silly comments like this that reaffirm that most people here dont have the slightest clue.

My two cents...

Usually when a salesman tries a pitch it irritates me. Even if he educates about a product or service it still irritates me. When the salesman continues and continues to try to sell his product X and (as others have indicated) that salesman arrogantly states X product is so much better than Y and Z product my irritation grows into anger. At that point, as far as I am concerned, I will tune out the salesman and tell others that he is JUST WANTING to MAKE MONEY! Is that not what he does?!?