Revel Performa 3

My last thread on this topic ended up under music somehow, but anyway has anyone actually heard these ? The promotional video on Revels web page looks very promising. They are coming out next month, Thanks, Christopher
Any of you who have auditioned both the F206 and F208 have
observations regarding their sonic differences? All things equal, I'd
prefer the 206 not for its lower price but for its smaller size.

And if anyone has compared these Revels with the KEF R series
floorstanders (R500, R700, R900), I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.
Anyone driving F208 with tubes? There was a comment above stating they are tube-friendly. At 88.5dB, they seem to need power...but...

I run a McIntosh MC275, 2x75W, FWIW.

I bought the 208 after hearing both for many hours. The 208 is Vety cohesive with very good tight bass to under 30 hz in room.
The mid bass gives that jump factor . The 206 even with my subs just were a bit thin compared for the mid bass gives music it's soul.
And the 208 has adjustable bass and treble on the back of the speaker.
If you are in an apartment I can understand,but not in a house .
You do heed 300 hours to fully run these in. Thr x206 is still a very good speaker ,only when put side by side is it thin a bit in the midbass.
With the sub if you crossover around 90 hz then not a problem
But should have 2 subs for even sound pressure.
With Vacuum tube usedjy a Rogue Atlas Magnum 100 wpc which gets over 90 DBS in room ,these speakers are warm ,the tube amp really makes things bid and rich sounding ,for a Rock I prefer my 550 Krell integrated
Much more dynamic control.
I just read the review of the F208's in Sterophile. It peaked my interest enough to search the net and I can't find one negative remark from anyone who's heard them. I'm going to have to set up an audition. I wonder how they would match up with my Hegel H200.
Think the 206 is a better option. I'm talking for my room. To get true benefit from the 208's ( and please this is not in anyway a put down),  I'd have to give them more juice, and frankly it would overwelm my room. You don't realize how how important that is. Don't need to impress anyone, just take what you need.