Small room speakers?


I need your advice which speakers to try with Naim xs/nd5xs combo in a small room 12'x13'? By now I had Harbeth m30, which are fantastic with jazz and classical music (great midrange), but not so with rock or electronic. Some of candidates are: PMC twenty 23, Dynaudio Focus 160, Audio Physics or ProAc Response series.

Perhaps you've seen it but there's a thread from 11/8 that address your issue with the heading "12' x 14' room; $10k budget for speakers".
I have a small room as you do 11 x 15. I have the Dynaudio Focus 140's on sound anchor 3 post stands and they are great for that size room. I listen to a lot of rock (not head banging rock), blues and jazz which i think they are great speakers for. Good luck in your search.
You might want to try the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOnes. I bought a pair for $2500 and they are one of the best speakers I have heard at any price.
You may want to look into the Audience clairaudient 2+2. I have the same size Room as you and they work very nicely
