Small room speakers?


I need your advice which speakers to try with Naim xs/nd5xs combo in a small room 12'x13'? By now I had Harbeth m30, which are fantastic with jazz and classical music (great midrange), but not so with rock or electronic. Some of candidates are: PMC twenty 23, Dynaudio Focus 160, Audio Physics or ProAc Response series.

You might want to try the new Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOnes. I bought a pair for $2500 and they are one of the best speakers I have heard at any price.
You may want to look into the Audience clairaudient 2+2. I have the same size Room as you and they work very nicely

I agree with Rlawry that the Evolution acoustics monitor is a nice one.

If I were back in a smaller room, I think I'd go for the Northcreek Big Kat ( Good for your room size, and has the added benefit of playing close to walls. It's a bit of a project: 2900$ for the guts (signature version), and around 1200$ for the boxes, with a few hours of assembly, but the end result is a lovely looking and sounding MTM minitower, with whatever gorgeous veneer strikes your fancy. I had the Eskas, the Big Kat's now discontinued little brother, in my main system for 5 years, and they brought me a lot of joy.

Good luck!
