Michael Fremer leaves Analog Planet

I'm not sure who I can trust anymore.....




Everyone has their flaws. I'm just glad he is continuing to do what he loves. He'll have influence at TAS which should be good for him as well as the organization. After all, it's not like he is abandoning ship & setting up camp with "Audio Science Review".   

Guy's, Michael Fremer had squat to do with the resurgence of vinyl. Most of the kids getting into vinyl have no idea who he is and us old guy just kept doing what we have always done long before Fremer ever wrote a word for TAS. Vinyl would have had a resurgence in any event. Fremer is just a cheer leader. 

I feel it would have been appropriate for MF to announce his departure on Analog Planet, rather than have the new guy announce his arrival, with no mention of MF.