Old CDs and records

I just came to the very belated realization that my many years’ collection of thousands of CDs  and (most likely) records are probably extinct and hence worthless. Unless I go through the arduous task of cataloguing each and every disc for resale, the mass collection is just so much junk. 
I could donate the collection.  But, at this point, does anyone want antiquated technology when streaming is so easy and prevalent. 
Anyone have any ideas?


LP is obsolete eh?

this is good for the artist they get screwed on the streaming platforms.
 I love owning physical music media. I stream in the office, truck, boat that’s it.


Hey OP....stream something of mine 10,000 times. I will make about a nickel.

Sorry, but the vast majority of artists have always been screwed. Up until recent years, relatively few musicians could even enter recording studios, not to mention get signed by any label, get distribution deal, etc. Today, we have home recording studios, distribution via streaming, not a lot of money to create label. The chance of an artist being heard has never been greater, thanks to streaming.


Yes, most artist receive very little streaming revenue, but more obscure artists never made any money prior to streaming, and vast majority never even got recorded. At least the more obscure artists have a much greater chance of being heard by the general public today,  simply being heard must give at least some satisfaction. I know I've been exposed to far more artists via streaming, some I continue to follow. In recent years, I've attended concerts of some of these artists, live performance best avenue for generating revenue for most musicians.

OP, I think your newfound pleasure in vinyl will quickly disappear and you’ll be contemplating getting rid of your physical media again, along with the newly purchased table.

Streaming is just so darn convenient!

 simply being heard must give at least some satisfaction

Yes. I pay my mortgage with satisfaction.