McIntosh Group purchased by PE firm

Highlander Partners out of Dallas TX


Second time in 10 years they have been bought. Will be interested to see what this means…


I hope ejr1953 is correct.  I've owned 3 McIntosh integrated amps over the years and have been happy with them all.  Unless the naysayers have super golden ears, the blue meters are an attractive cosmetic touch but they are not a mask to cover inferior quality.

This is the business model that Mitt Romney made his fortune from. 

  • Take over board by buying out members
  • Take out loans and saddle company with debt
  • Charge enormous fees for "managing" things
  • Make it more efficient by cutting quality and downsize labor to pay interest on debt
  • State your mission accomplished and leave company with debt so large they have to declare bankruptcy 
  • Move onto next victim business

To think this used to be illegal a long time ago makes one wonder....

All the best,



This is the business model that Mitt Romney made his fortune from. Take over board by buying out member ... leave company with debt so large they have to declare bankruptcy ...

In case you weren't aware, @nonoise  Romney has actually already bought and sold McIntosh, because he was an owner of Bain Capital, the PE firm that acquired D&M holdings around 2008.

@cleeds, No, I wasn't aware of Romney doing that but it's quite an unusual thing for him to do as his record is that of strip, dump and run shark.

All the best,