McIntosh Group purchased by PE firm

Highlander Partners out of Dallas TX


Second time in 10 years they have been bought. Will be interested to see what this means…



This is the business model that Mitt Romney made his fortune from. Take over board by buying out member ... leave company with debt so large they have to declare bankruptcy ...

In case you weren't aware, @nonoise  Romney has actually already bought and sold McIntosh, because he was an owner of Bain Capital, the PE firm that acquired D&M holdings around 2008.

@cleeds, No, I wasn't aware of Romney doing that but it's quite an unusual thing for him to do as his record is that of strip, dump and run shark.

All the best,

@cleeds Bain also owns Guitar Centers since 2007 and BRP Since 2003, Dominos since 1998, just to name a few and they have $150 billion dollar portfolio.

Not a fan of Bain or their track record. Like Carl Ichon they are pirates.

Mitt also came from money, as his father George was CEO  American Motors back in the day. 

Rich getting richer. 

I wouldn’t think the Highlander Group will bankrupt McIntosh, but if it did it gives a wealthy McFan the opportunity to buy the name.

I see them selling the Texas property (if it is owned) or developing it and then selling it. Lay off all but essential staff with the excuse of preparing for the coming recession.

Take advantage of Biden’s soft stance on China and China’s investment and tax incentives.

With the high Dollar this is a perfect storm. It helps low offshore manufacturing and reselling at higher prices due to "inflation" and higher interest rates.

And if all that doesn’t work out there’s 1.6 billion Chinese consumers to fall back on who’d love to have a real American product at Chinese prices.

China has many tariff zero export agreements with many countries.

BTW Ducati’s makeover involved moving production to Thailand.