@solypsa There is not any information offered on how to receive a demonstration of the recommended TT that comes with a retail of approx' +$7000.
How does a interested individual arrange to receive a demonstration of the TT being promoted as a choice to consider exchanging to ?
As a further advisory, as the TT's distributor of the recommended TT, which Tonearm and Cartridge would be the suggested combination to be used as ancillaries.
I understand that not wanting to seem overly biased, the directing an individual to a online rave for a product, is going to divert the individual to information that is in keeping with the bias that is on offer. Where what is really happening is that the information being encouraged to be sought out, is only going to introduce the individual doing the search, to a commentary from a very limited number of individuals.
This type of reporting can be found on almost every device available, it is not really a method to enable a interested individual to assess a device for it capabilities, especially in comparison to other options to be found at a similar price point.
The best way to show a TT's Capabilities to any individual, is always through demonstration, and even better if carried out in a purpose produced environment. From my end it seems quite askew, when a Dealer of a product is not encouraging a experience of a device through demonstration.