The vanishing stereo rack

Following up on another discussion about how important it is to be in the same room as your stereo equipment, Dynaudio is apparently already making the entire stereo vanish.


I don't think the primary base these companies are looking at hang out here. These types of speakers are already the top selling. Sonos, air pods etc.. 

I’m sure the Dynaudio Focus speakers will never be same quality as a well thought out system, but having said that, I would be interested in seeing them in action on a HT system.


I have all my components hidden away in an entrainment cabinet.  We have a beautiful living room and we don’t want to goober it up.  The systems I have seen are ugly.  My wife would kick me out our house.

Since adding a BlueSound Node 2i I no longer play CD’s.  I hope to hear some more expensive streamers to see if you can hear a difference.  That’s next on my list.

I am very enthusiastic about the concept. Might not be what you put in a dedicated listening room, but for family shared space, you might get more sound quality out of these than any other option acceptable to the family. Lots of potential here.

I'd love to hear full range powered speakers like these.  Imagine the WAF that would go with not having a stack of audio gear.  My entertainment cabinet could be replaced by a loveseat of something else.

A lot of the joy in the journey would be lost not being able to make changes with various components and I don't see this taking over the audiophile market, but it does get all-in-one closer to what's possible.