Basic switch....should I upgrade?

I'm using a D-Link switch into a EtherRegen (with an AfterDark PSU & Clock) via a Signature Ethernet Cable. Coming out of the EtherRegen I use a basic fiber optic cable into my streamer. (All connects/cables not mentioned are upgraded.)

Simply put, should I upgrade the switch or does the fantastic EtherRegen clean up the switch's audio shortcomings?

Please don't tell me to get a TT!  


Just tried something. Instead of what amounts to using two switches I went to one.

Took the Dlink away and plugged in Ethernet cable from wall into EtherRegen. This only required no longer using the fiber optic cable and running a Ethernet cable into steamer. Do I hear a difference. Think maybe a tad.



@wsrrsw If you’re running fiber from the EtherRegen into the streamer, my thinking (and hope) is that nothing upstream from the fiber cable, including EtherRegen, affects the sound, as long as you’re not losing data. Have you found that network components upstream from a fiber connection affect the sound quality?

Since I installed my fiber line, I haven’t played with components upstream from said fiber line.

if you are calling my 20+ years of enterprise networking experience is lack of experience, what experience do you have?

nothing to do with audio. Nobody is questioning your network skills. You are likely good at it 😉

Post removed 

@classdstreamer Last stop is steamer. The nice man @ EtherREGEN who’s name I currently can’t conjure was very helpful/patient when I got my unit. One cardinal rule of use he told me that if using fiber only to come in one side with Ethernet cable and out the other with the fiber optic. Nothing else in or out. Did that. But that made it a one port unit.
Now with Ethernet cable all round I can also run to the Roon server and a hard drive. Qobuz system test playlist is what I use

I think it sounds just as good or a tad better than the fiber optic. The Cable from EtherREGEN is tiptop. With the Ethernet cable I think the sound has more air and with the fiber optic less. If that groks?