Interesting ASR review of small GR Research speaker kit

I bounce between various kinds of analysis — more subjective listening reports, more quantitative measurement analyses and, my favorite, those that combine both strategies to tell a useful story about audio products.

Amir of ASR has just done a very powerful takedown of a fairly inexpensive kit being sold by Danny at GR Research. Not only does he prove his point about the speakers, he also makes (to my mind) a very convincing case that Danny put his finger on the scale in how he reported his own measurements. 

I'm not in any camp — Danny's or Amir's or anyone else's. What I appreciate is thoroughness and meticulousness in exposition. Danny does that in his own videos. (Again -- to me. I'm really still learning and cannot easily spot gaps in argument in this subject matter.)

I know people with some of GR's best kits — and I've heard one of them. They sounded incredible. I've watched a bunch of Danny's videos where he criticizes other companies; I've come away thinking, "Wow, he really revealed some of the grift embedded in that product." 

But here, the tables are turned, it seems, on Danny. I hope he responds, both to defend his reputation and methods, but also because it will set in relief where some of the distance may be between these two dominant online figures' methods in assessing what makes for a good speaker.


Yeah I was talking to you… It looked like you have skin in the game?
And I was thinking it took “a big set” to defend those speakers.

Secondly I am not sure it is prudent to classify @noske of idolatry?

But are you talking about idolatry of ASR, or that of Toole/Olive and countless other researchers? 

Defending a speaker that was deemed bad by ASR and good by others could make sense.
Do some here believe that the GR LGK is a good speaker?
One person posted a 1/2 hour video review of some other speaker, I suppose as proof that the GR was good, however it looked like it was not even the LGK model.

I can appreciate that people do not like AM’s message, or maybe his message delivery… but it seems like it is totally divisive to discount the whole research arm as something to be removed.

In this one on one, I think that I would have to side with AM over GR. That video clip did sound very distorted on play back, and if I was on a desk using them I would want to be able to hit 90dB being only ~1 meter away. 

lanx003 "

"Attack to Amir’s comments and disrespect got to end here, folks."

And why is that? Is it because you have misinterpreted what GR has said? Anyone who rates and reviews equipment without listening to it is a complete waste of space and deserves to be ignored. Anyone who claims all Dacs sound the same and R2R Dacs are outdated technology is a fool. Likewise anyone who dismisses  any criticism of a certain Chinese Dac as ridiculous has ears of tin and knows not of what they speak.


Regarding your bible comment, why would you not toss the entire thing out if you find some parts are not believable/true?…If some aren't true then how do you know any are true?  

No, because not all claims are dependent on the truth of other claims. 

I have a mechanic who believes the Covid virus has microchips in it planted there by Bill Gates. He is paranoid, ill informed about politics, and allows his perception of facts to be twisted by ideology. In this subject matter, he's not credible.

He also thinks that the rotors on my brakes are worn out because he's seen it a thousand times before and has physical evidence it's happening with my car, now. His job depends on good diagnoses, he has training in the relevant area, and he has evidence.

I have no problem accepting the second claim regardless of the first.

I haven't heard the LGK 2 (or the previous LGK) but I have built a few of GR-Research's models (NX-Otica, NX-Studio, Servo OB subs) and they are among the best speakers I've owned and easily the best value. 

I lost all respect for Amir when I read a few reviews where he bashed well respected products (some of which I really like) without even listening to them and praised products which I (and many others) think sound pretty mediocre. At this point, I am not willing to give Amir or his site any additional credibility by visiting his the site or watching his videos. 

Maybe you can point out which products he bashed without listening to them.  I have read or watched many of his reviews and I have not seen that.  I also like Erin's Audio Corner and New Record Day for his binaural recordings and direct comparisons.

One might argue that a speaker that performs well objectively (measurements) will likely sound good but the opposite cannot be said, i.e. that a speaker that measures poorly will sound good.