Streaming vs Physical Media

I have a decent digital front end with a Lumin U1 Mini (w/ external power supply) and a Border Patrol SE dac.  Have some CDs, but no transport.  Would a CD transport sound better than a streamer of similar quality/price?  


@charles1dad  -- I use a relatively inexpensive Cambridge CXN that the phone voice at Upscale Audio recommended. My Mytek Brooklyn Bridge had just bit the dust, and I just couldn't hack listening via my Laptop PC. The Cambridge is connected via Earthlink sourced from my telephone company. In other words, nothing fancy. In any case, the Mytek might have given me a bit more image solidity and 3D, but the Cambridge is still quite 3D and its tone quality is more natural than I got via the Mytek. The Cambridge also runs considerably cooler, which makes me believe it might actually last longer than that damnable, fussy Mytek did. BTW, I'm mostly a classical guy. I play the violin...which makes me believe I know string tone.


I appreciate your reply. I hope that you continue to enjoy your streaming audio system for years to come,


Streaming all day, every day.  Tidal subscription to Roon Nucleus+ to my integrated amp - nice, simple, and the music is every bit is good (if not better) than CD or other sources.  Plus I get to sit on my sofa and choose music from the convenience of my iPad.  

Another plug for Qobuz  A few minutes ago, I had a hankering to hear Eric Clapton-led, original Brit super-group Cream's first single "I Feel Free." Knowing that my British pressing of Fresh Cream did not contain the cut (it has a marvelous studio recording of Spoonful instead), I searched for the 45 I knew I had. No dice. It seems to have disappeared. So I cued up Qobuz and, sure enough, not only did they have the exact cut I craved to hear, it sounded as good as I've ever heard it.

I became an "audiophile" in 1968 when all I knew was that a very good system would enhance my love of  "listening to music". Hence, over the years, I have collected 6000 LPs, 4000 silver discs, and a few dozen cassettes. In addition I have perfected my streaming setup to reside as an equal to the physical media. I also use a tuner.

Any of the above formats, excluding cassettes and tuner with their obvious limitations, offer a wide range of sound quality. Take CD, which can sound from sublime to absolute digital screech!?! LPs, from sublime to noisy, warped, non-concentric, indistinct hash!?! Streaming, from sublime to you have to take what they give you, which is often mediocre and not a lot of fun to listen to!?!

If I was new to the hobby today, would I invest in physical media? Probably, but you have to store it and move it, but you own it!! And hands on has its own tactile joy. An evening playing LPs, with all the steps of flipping and cleaning, and reading album notes, is an evening well spent!!!