Top monitors 3K - 6K range

Hello all,

I am looking into some flagship monitors and I'd like some help/recommendations. I don't have a single sound I like and my tastes in music are pretty diverse too. Currently I have a few nice speakers including Harbeth SHL-5, B&W 805N, Magnepan 1.6 and PSB Imagine B. These speakers are all pretty different and I do like them all. I have owned Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M which somehow did not do it for me, amazing imaging but a little thick. Also I have had the Merlin TSM MMI which was great but my amplification is SS which seems to cause some restrictions.

My room is 12x16, speakers on the short wall. I do tend to like a slightly warm sounds but I also love dynamics, pinpoint imaging and sexy looking cabinets.

I am currently looking into:

B&W 805D
Totem Mani 2 Signature
Dynaudio C1
Focal Micro Be
Usher BE-718
Volent VL-2
Evolution MMMicroOne

Any recommendations? Am I missing anything?
I've been reading great things about the Tekton M-Lores, perhaps they should be added to your list, $649/pr....Very efficient speakers, too. And the Tekton Model 81T's look to be very nice for only $650/pr.

Gallo Classico CL-2s are getting great reviews, too..And only $795/pr.! If you simply must spend more, take a good look at the Gallo Stradas ($999 ea.), Audiogon member Dave Pogue swears by 'em, and Dave surely knows great sound...

BTW, all of these speakers are available direct from the mfgrs. and have 30-60 day in-home trials - woo-hoo!!

You really need to hear Lipinski L505 or L 707's. Fantastic sound. The only way I'll ever sell my L707's is to move up to the bigger models @ 10K each. Happy listening.
I recently went from Proac response 2.5 to the Dynaudio C1 and have been quite pleased. Just about broken in, and I feel as if I'm in a live venue.

Quite a significant upgrade.