Audiophile circuit breakers ?

Anyone got those ? I just got 2 AHP Klangmodul IIIG circuit breakers, as a "finishing touch" to my 2 dedicated AC lines, but did not have a chance to try them yet.

I'm curious of your experience on this field.
Finding it silly, that’s what a true audiophile is. We seek the last bit of musical satisfaction by all means possible and the ones that you think will have no impact on sq does and all those crazy meaningless things that get categorized as snake oil add up and do indeed improve one,s system. 
Back in the 90,s early 2000,s I was getting all my cables and ic cryogenically treated when it was dismissed as snake oil only to be shown it does indeed make a difference now.

instead of Calling silly one should try it first.

Its all about execution , attention to detail and imagination that will take ur system from good to great and no matter what level your at even entry level in your equipment everything matters not just Uber level like some keep bla bla about.
Yes mahlman it is silly. But not for anything like the reasons you think. You may think you're being logical, but even with impeccable logic you can reach a false conclusion if your facts are all wrong. And your facts are all wrong. 

Let's think about this logically for a moment.  Hi-fi tweaks all cost money and people who call them snake oil etc have never tried any of them because  they cost money. So because  of that it leafs to a couple of conclusions  either they are to cheap to spend anything  to try it or they don't have it. The other place that also comes into play is when you try something  and you don't  like the result is being  honest enough to put it back the way it was and sucking up the loss. If  you get a breaker cyro treated and you don't like the result putting the old one back in place no harm there just an expense.  Just out a bit of money but if you don't  try you don't know and you don't  have any say about it because  you don't know. The three skills that need to be developed  if a person wants a good hi-fi is having an open mind, willinng to spend some money and omitting when you made a mistake  and putting  it back the way it was, and understanding  what really is the source of your dissatisfaction  with your system.  Sometimes  when you change something it may sound worse but the change is not the problem  it is just showing a weakness  somewhere else in a system.  


I also find in amusing  when you tell some one that they need to get a level out and make sure there speakers are absolutely  level and then level to each other and that they are symmetrical  with the room. Zero cost in doing that just some time and effort. Yet that is snake oil so does that make someone both cheap  and lazy? That also gets to the point why some people are on these forums  do they find it cool to talk big and do they really even have a basic  system? If so do they ever turn it on? Or would they rather talk about it instead of listening  to it?