New Magnaplanar 1.7 delaminating and buzzing.

Why are new diaphrams buzzing and seperating from the frame?


Koestner, you don't know anything - for your information it's a 130' paperclip and it's not a shower curtain Mr.Smarty Pants, it's Saran Wrap. And we don't buy Chevy Novas here in Canada, we buy Nissan Pulsars - much more powerful. The only thing clearer sounding is voice to head technology but it's proprietary and controlled by the Military  Industrial Complex. Mic drop!

It was my oversight to think the pair was purchased used. I saw references to the seller picking them up and so on so I kind of jumped to the conclusion. Anyhow, hope it all gets fixed by Magnepan and the dealer.  Several friends of mine have had Magnepans and every time I heard them I have been quite impressed at how wonderful the sound is.  They definitely make a big impression in a living room though.

Barmeg, thanks for taking my joke in good stride. As a past owner of 1.7 and 20.1 models, I do know about their wonderful sound. I hope you get the issue resolved quickly. Magnepan should be jumping through fire to fix your speakers.