Best turntable for the buck

I now amazingly find that my analog system has fallen behind my digital system in  SQ and I want to investigate how to improve it. 
Currently I have a heavily modified Rega RP3 turntable, with two power supplies, a new platter, sub-platter and other internal enhancements. My cartridge is the Clearaudio Virtuoso.
Not that it’s bad, but I want to look for  something that will significantly improve the sound of my current setup. 
Will about a 4K investment do that?


@mr_m Setup issues are the standard response when someone doesn’t like something. I used to be in the business and have set up hundreds of turntables.

Over the years, I found myself using it less and less until it dawned in me that it was just a dust collector. I found myself staring at my album collection one day and realized I hadn’t played a record in 6 months.

I bought a cheap turntable just to see if it was the turntable or me. It was the turntable. I used that cheap table more in one year than the SOTA in 10. I gave that turntable away (a Pioneer PLX-1000) to someone new to the hobby.

Then a Rega P3, then 4 or so years with a MoFi UltraDeck. Finally a couple of months with the Technics SL-1210 GR and a few weeks with the G.

Looking back I could have purchased an original 1200 back when I bought the SOTA. Do they sound like the G? Nope, not even close. But I’ve done on air radio work so I know them well. I would have had a better/more reliably consistent table for much less money. It’s likely that I wouldn’t have quit playing my records. But it all worked out in the end. Luckily because of folks on the internet I was able to rid myself of the SOTA quickly and for a good price (for me- the buyer, not so much.)

If you like yours, great. But at $4k there are lots of options. I personally think SOTA should be approached without rose tinted glasses and with caution. But that’s just my opinion.

Make sure you have the turntable isolated properly, especially if you are on a suspended floor. My P8 is on a wall shelf, and it sits on a Townshend seismic platform. Sound improvement was huge with the Townshend, and foot falls non existent when I put it on a wall shelf.

There is a reason Rega sells shelves. Their tables sound better when they sit on them. Although I bought a Project shelf for a little over half the price :-)

I would contact John Rutan and get his take on this. He knows your system and can recommend the best path forward, IMHO.


I have a VPI Aries Scout and enjoy it. No problems no issues.

I think the screw down clamp enhances playback.


I have owned nearly all those tables you mentioned, like you, I have set up tt's since the late sixties so I think I qualify for set up. Your analogy for not liking the Sota makes no sense to me, but to each his own. I've owned Technics, not overly impressed. Any Technics I ever listened to wasn't remotely close to the Sota I have. But as you say, just my opinion too.