Jelco sa 750e


I have a Lencol75 that’s mounted in a corian plinth so the Jelco is drilled thru with no arm board.

spindle to pivot is 240mm

does anyone know a better tone arm that would have that 240mm so I could mount it in the same location?

that seems to be my only option.

Thanks for you info and time.

I've just found this. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions about the Blackbird.


@supatrac Welcome. Introduce yourself, and let folks know if you are a manufacturer. Start a thread, etc.

I’ve looked at this before and it’s definitely interesting.
SUPATRAC Blackbird (

Yes, thanks for the welcome. I have recently become a manufacturer and my name is Richard. I'll go and introduce myself in the relevant place. Cheers!