This is a great thread. I've been thinking about starting a similar discussion. I too have some hearing loss and tinnitus, more so on my left ear. I use my 2 separate gain controls on my preamp to boost the left channel. For my 5.1 HT, I crank up the center channel so I can hear the dialogs better.
I'm on the borderline in terms of needing a hearing aid, but I think I will eventually. I'm always curious if hearing aids will or will not affect the perceived sound quality coming out of your stereo system. There seems to be some conflicting experiences here.
So whoever is reading this, please continue to chime in with your experience if you use hearing aids regularly for your daily routine, do you keep them on for music or remove them? and if you use if for music, do you find that it degrades or enhances your music listening experience? If you find it enhances your experience, please let us know which brand/model hearing aid do you use.
Anyway, don't mean to change the subject here. Please do help out OP on his question on Amp choices. Thanks.