What's bad?
Stolen design? (AR, Thorens td150, Ariston)
A giant money pit?
Unauthentic timbre?
Dodgy top plates on pre 2000 models?
Needs regular specialist servicing?
Motor mounting issues?
Needs a better arm than the Ittok?
Temporal anomalies?
Outdated design?
Uncompetitively priced?
All true in my experience.
So what's good about it?
An audiophile icon?
Better bandwidth than budget decks?
Neverending upgrade options?
Also true in my experience.
So what's the problem then?
I believe that its crucial problem is the way that the subchassis is balanced on top of 3 compressed springs, each of them bearing a different load.
Therefore the heavy platter is free to drift over time. Remember that the rather flimsy belt and the pliable arm cable is working with the springs in keeping the platter/subchassis in position.
Whichever way you look at it, it's not a particularly secure way of keeping it there, is it?
Yes, you can use it without an optimal setup, but if you do, it's a very ordinary sounding deck that way.
To keep its lovely air and bloom, the suspension must be optimised.
And therein lies it's main problem.
There's a good video here showing how it's built.
Make of it what you will.