McIntosh LB200?

What is your opinion of McIntosh LB200 - a box of nothing for $1,500? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xgubaface


Hey, thanks for not only agreeing with me, but for being so hyperbolic in the hopes that your attack will cloud the fact that you're just on a witch hunt, trying to get revenge, which as I said, is being wasted on so small a matter. But, by all means, die on this hill.

Not to mention the asinine way you conflate the way I see a private equity group with how I feel about McIntosh owners, of which I've said nothing. You're grasping at straws and getting nothing. But, by all means, continue to make an ass of yourself.

All the best,

No straws no conflating you are what you are. 🐍 and a Malcontent. No one dies not on anything you stand for that is for sure. Talk about conflation and forum masturbation.


By your prodigious use of the word, dude, and other juvenile language, I'll wager you're just above street punk level with a good education and a serious inferiority complex that you compensate for, online. 

How close was I?

All the best,

Not even close. No inferiority complex especially to the likes of you. Great education (Citadel) and a leader in my industry. Great career and family. 

Can go days-weeks at a time not even looking at this forum un like you. 

Lets see you are struggling in your retirement and can barley make ends meet. You are an only child, your wife still works and you spend all day here on Agon being the King of this forum you and your 🤡

Enjoy your evening.



What an egotist! That explains a lot. The #1 public college of the South. Do they still do Civil War reenactments?

As for going days without looking at this forum, do you say that because I pointed out on another thread that you’re hanging on my every word? No one’s gonna buy that, dude.

I’m actually doing very, very well in my retirement and don’t really care for barley. I’m more of an oatmeal kind of guy. The more you lose it and start typing away with your gaffs and problematic syntax, you’re starting to sound more and more like someone else who used to post here who committed the same mistakes.

I have an idea: why don’t you just quit with this silly race car name, and then reinvent yourself (you’ve done that a few times already, haven’t you?) and try your luck again.

All the best,

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