What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?

What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?

I have a good quality system and I am looking for better quality cables for all connections.

Denefrips Terminator DAC
Martin Logan Expression ESL 13A Electrostatic Speakers
Pass Labs 260.8 Mono Amplifiers (2)
PS Audio BHK PreAmplifier
Sony Blu Ray UBP-X800 CD/Blu Ray Player
SVS PB 16-Ultra Subwoofer

I am looking for good quality cables sold directly to the consumer.  I am currently using no name, better than average, cables.  I refuse to pay the 100 % markup of the better line of cables that are sold through middlemen.  I am looking for companies that have had very good reviews.

This is NOT to be a discussion as to whether or not cables make a difference.

Thank you to all for your assistance.


the best, oh yes, the best

what is the best? someone please tell me, make life simple for me, i can then just plop down the money and have the best  🙄

sorry but i couldn't resist... carry on...


BLUE JEANS CABLE may offer products that satisfy your request.

Good luck in your pursuit.

+1 on the Blue Jeans, I had their RCA's and they were better then no-name-starter cables, but in a personal opinion, I would say they are middle-of-the-road quality and you will probably end up upgrading again.

It’s hard to believe that the same basic thread pops up just about every week even though there’s no useful answer anyone can give. The op needs to try things in his system.