Bought a pair after following this awesome thread.
I do quite a bit of tube rolling with my Freya+. My system and recording studio is very revealing of gear. After burning in, this is my take on them. Really nice tight bass. I'm very particular about bass. Voices are sweet, fun and alive. The top end is just a bit too ’sparkle plenty’ for my tastes. Almost like the original recording engineer, decided to add a just a taste of tight reverb. Which to me created a bit of a mask of what was beneath. Don’t get me wrong, these are wayyyy better than JJ’s, Electroharmonics, standard GE’s and standard Sylvania's etc, etc. They are great, just not my cup of tea. I’m back to my reference uncolored Russian military tubes.
Bought em for $200, selling them on ebay for $150. 60 hours of burn in, and a couple hours of listening.
Cheers guys!