When you spoke to Grant Fidelity about the Chinese 6sn7 session ( the ones with the horizontal letterings) did they say it wasnt originals or just a matter of distribution in Asian markets as we had discussed prior. Also do you have the Globals too ( the ones with vertical letterings) and if so, how do the Chinese 6sn7 Linlais compare to the Globals.
"I understand why they sound good in the Freya and Sachs preamps when used with a complimentary cathode follower." May I know what you mean by this? Err in layman terms please.
Complimentary tube means a different pair of tubes which add their sonic signature to the total sound; ie, using a neutral tube with extended highs such as Linlai in the gain-stage and a Ken Rad with powerful bass and holographic sound as followers. Both sets of tubes contribute to the overall sound.
Grant Fidelity didn't comment on my Linlai with horizontal lettering. Rachel only inferred the difference between the HIFI tubes as entry level and not up to the performance of the Globals.