Bluesound and BluOS

I have Tidal and Qobuz with both premium subscription”s. Tidal has no problem with any hi res songs and yet Qobuz will skip or pause with hi res music. We have worked with both Bluesound and Qobuz and no solutions have be offered. Any ideas please. 



I used Qobuz on a Bluesound device (NAD C 368) for a while with absolutely no problems. I suspect your networking might be the issue. Tidal’s lossy MQA files may be a little smaller than Qobuz’s lossless files, so if the network is just capable of handling Tidal, it could have issues with Qobuz. The network is where I’d look, anyway.

I have Qobuz, not Tidal.  It works poorly with my Android phone, frequently stopping, skipping, etc. At home it works fine with my dedicated streamers, including a Node2, all used with etherwire.  Is your Bluesound on WiFi or hardwired?  Have you used Qobuz with other components besides Bluesound?

I have had similar problems with my bluesound, it seems to help if I uninstall the app and then reinstall it when problems arise.

I subscribe to both Tidal and Qobuz and have never experienced any streaming issues with Qobuz on any of my three Bluesound devices (both wireless and wired).

My first guess would be an issue with your router, but you said you worked with Bluesound.  I assume they would have been able to identify a router issue from your data log.

Are you connected via wi-fi or ethernet?