New Koetsu on Ebay from Japan???

Hi All, Does anyone have personal experience purchasing a new Koetsu cartridge on Ebay from some of the vendors in Japan. Good,Bad,Real/Fake Customs upcharge? Thanks!!!!


Wow to purchase a Koetsu via Ebay I feel you are just asking for trouble. What about warranty? Screwed cantilever? I'd never even consider it myself personally YMMV


The warranty would be honored via the seller if he is authorized, in which case you’d send the cartridge back to him, and he’d interface with Koetsu. So be sure the seller is a Koetsu dealer. This would be the first time I’ve ever heard of a Koetsu for sale on eBay from a Japanese source. So caveat emptor.

On the other hand, I bought my Urushi in Tokyo direct from a dealer, got a warranty document with it. When later I had an issue, the warranty was honored, no questions asked. If there’s a problem, the cartridge has to go back to japan regardless.

I’d be shocked if anyone got scammed buying audio gear from Japan. I’ve always had only top notch transactions with no worry from there.

But I wouldn’t expect a warranty - in fact I thought Koetsu stopped distributing in Japan years ago. So these cartridges may be “gray market” even in Japan. But what good is a cartridge warranty? I’ve never needed one. Keep the house cleaners away from it!

I've never required a warranty but it happens take a look at this thread on this forum.

Brand new Lyra Delos - skewed cantilever