Japanese Voltage.

I was on the verge of buying a Japanese Luxman 509Z, on ebay. It it 100Volts, Here in the U.K. we have 240Volts. And the price difference is £9,000 (here) to £5,000 (there). I immediately went on line for a decent transformer (£130) and ordered it. We here, have an audio disscusion group, so I tested the water with them. The general advice was discouraging. "It will introduce noise etc". What is the opinion of yourselves? I'm not in a hurry, I decided to buy an SACD player instead. £4,000 (here!)

Thanks, An avid reader,


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There will be no problem using a step down transformer. No noise will be introduced into your system.

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Thank you gentlemen, No-one posted a down side. So I concur with you, it's a reasonable motion. But I'm afraid the deal will have to wait until this time next year. as I decided to buy an SACD. And now it's final.

Indecisive, IAN.

Transformers aren't just generic black boxes so there are potential downsides to using them as voltage changers. And it's not just a question of the VA rating.

@irjones - it does introduce noise, but whether relevant it depends on how transparency of your audio chain.  In high-end audio, better components often drops the noise floor so additional may or not be acceptable.  

I'm using an Esoteric K-05x built for Japan voltage. Using a TGK step up also made in Japan. No noise issues.

O.K. I ended up, purchasing an Airlink transformer, even though I don't yet need it.

It is the JACBS 1000, At the fair price of £400, delivered. Now, as it has two outputs, I started looking at a pair of mono blocks!  As I have time to accumalate the funds, over a year or so. So I have have plenty of time to be indecisive!

So now what I wish to know is; will the 100V amps be compatible with a 240V pre-amp? or is the best route to buy a 100V pre-amp? Honest, it's not just conjecture, I really need new amplification. And I'm pretty stupid. £10.000 is a lot of money for me, I cannot get it wrong. 

Thanks for reading this, I need help.

No rush,