I only had the luck to had a dedicated room, and i coould not afford any piece of gear or any costly acoustic product...
These bad circonstances with low income, unbeknownst to me at this time, was my luck...
I read basic acoustic and psycho-acoustic principles... I experimented with them day by day for 2 years, and 6 months intensively, because i am retired...
The result is ugly because i used junk to create my devices and it is not perfect...
But it gave me an understanding about what really matter in audiophile experience, and it is not the gear ALONE...It is the mechanical, electrical and acoustical embeddings control of the system...
Thats all...
My Sansui AU 7700 is not the best amplifier, especially compared to some design of today...
But it is certainly , if we take into account all his functions and versatility, and his organic sound one of the best deal quality/price ratio on the market...It is a mytrh for this reason...
I dont bought it by chance, i read everything for years...my luck was discovering one 10 streets from my house at low price...
Try some simple experiment listening in the corner you use for music, you will be surprized...
Most people are afraid to experiment because they are afraid to be wrong or experiment something with is not perfect... Trust your earseven in their present states or health status... It is you who will listen music on your system/room....But it is an ingoing process... There is no perfection in my system/room, only satisfaction at low cost with no urge to upgrade at all.... My 8 headphones dont compete, then it is enough for me...
I wish you the best...