Luxman vs Hegal

Anyone with actual experience hearing the Luxman 509X and the Hegel H390. Can you describe the difference of sound between the two?

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The Hegel 390 @ $6500 outperforms the Luxman 509X @ $9500 handily?? The Luxman is 20lbs. heavier and half the power but will definitely keep up and far surpass the Hegel. Look at the build quality; the Hegel looks like a $250 stereo receiver from the rear. Open up the case; the luxman is built like a Rolex. One overlooked aspect of the Luxman is the current delivery. For a measly 120W, it plays like its got 250 and can power anything out there. There is no comparison if we are talking the class A Luxman 590AXII vs. the Hegel. The Luxman destroys the Hegel for music realism, albeit slightly speaker-dependent. The OP will have to let their ears decide, though!!

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Thanks for the comments. I have the Hegel H390 and thinking of going to the Luxman 509X. Problem is that I have no way to listen to the Luxman 509X. I live in NC and there’s only one Luxman dealer in my area and he didn’t have the 509X to demo. I went to HiFi Buys in Atlanta and also no 509X to demo. Didn’t listen to the Hegel H390 prior to purchase and not satisfied in the least. Don’t want to make that mistake again.

So, very interested in additional feedback from anyone that’s actually heard the 509X and H390 that can describe their sound differences. Also interested in comparisons between the Luxman c900u/m900u and Hegel H390.
