Why do hipsters prefer analog?

Hipsters started with vinyl records, then cassettes, then 8-tracks, then R2R.  Where will they stop?


The Urban Dictionary describes "hipsters" as people that try too hard to be different (and genuinely do think that they're being different), by rejecting anything they deem to be too popular.
Ironically, so many other people also try too hard to be different that they all wind up being the exact same, so hipsters aren't actually different at all, they are just people that are snobbier and more annoying about their taste in "alternative" things, which are all popular now thanks to the other hipsters.
Hipsters pride themselves on liking things that no one else likes, and normally only really like them because they think no one else likes them and that they are being unique. This is being delusional because all the other hipsters also like the same things.


The Urban Dictionary describes "hipsters" as people that try too hard to be different (and genuinely do think that they're being different), by rejecting anything they deem to be too popular.
Ironically, so many other people also try too hard to be different that they all wind up being the exact same, so hipsters aren't actually different at all, they are just people that are snobbier and more annoying about their taste in "alternative" things, which are all popular now thanks to the other hipsters.
Hipsters pride themselves on liking things that no one else likes, and normally only really like them because they think no one else likes them and that they are being unique. This is being delusional because all the other hipsters also like the same things.

Very good explanation....explains the joke, "Why the hipster burn his mouth when eating pizza?  Because he ate it before it was cool." 

@rdk777 , well, one of the original responses used to be "Because someone told him not to...."  That got applied to the 'hippies', which I got accused of being periodically...

Never quite fit that 'groove', but it was a fun era to grow through...

...what I remember, anyway. *L*

Analog was all we had, and I went through all the formats like most.

Had a helluva good time making a lot of relentless noise.

My landlady just north of Eureka came over one afternoon and  mildly complained that she couldn't hear her stereo in her house over mine 20 yards away in our rented  house of hers.....  Same noted that she could hear the bass line walking to & from the mailboxes 100 yards away.

Another likely reason I wear aids now...;) 😎


I dunno - why do old audiophiles like such terrible music?

The point being, the question was doomed from the start. It takes a generalization (hipsters) and leads into a unfalsifiable claim of preference (prefer analog). This is covered in Philosophy 101.

The real answer is that they are hipsters because they prefer analog. Any discussion past this statement is just insulating, quite frankly, to the group of people this community needs to survive. Sure, a lot of young people will treat analog as a fad and move on, but such is life. Some will not, and they are the Audiogoners of the future. Nowadays, they will happily take that old tape deck off your hands.  Also, as others have pointed out, the resulting reissues due to the popularity are a welcome relief to the incredibly high prices of some originals. This is a win win. 

This is all coming from a 50 year old often referred to by my peers as a hipster - so take it for what its worth.