Basic switch....should I upgrade?

I'm using a D-Link switch into a EtherRegen (with an AfterDark PSU & Clock) via a Signature Ethernet Cable. Coming out of the EtherRegen I use a basic fiber optic cable into my streamer. (All connects/cables not mentioned are upgraded.)

Simply put, should I upgrade the switch or does the fantastic EtherRegen clean up the switch's audio shortcomings?

Please don't tell me to get a TT!  



Glad to hear it‘s working. Although it sounds like overkill, I use an Ethernet isolator (EMO EN70-HD) directly at the streamer for good effect (l.e. after the Etherregen‘s moat) Don‘t know why but it works a treat. If you want to go further in overkill tape 2 AAA Bateeries parallel to the cable into the streamer with the + pole pointing to the streamer. (again, don‘t ask me why, but it works)

I also highly recommend an Intona Isolator on the USB connection.


Digital transmission is anything but sorted and mature. It takes lots and trial and error.


Your Ethernet reminds me of old corroded water line that is held together with so many patches to prevent water leaks and contamination 😂 🤣


good analogy, only difference: I prevent muck from coming in rather than water leaking out😇. Scary though how every little bit helps. You‘d think a decent designer could do better!

“You‘d think a decent designer could do better!”


You’re so right. I would like to see a completely isolated Ethernet chamber with some kind noise filtering tech inside streamers / servers. Essentially a ENO or MUON filter type approach built into every audio streamer / server would prevent some of us jumping through hoops to eliminate noise 😊


again: agreed. Given the substantial impact of the 10m clock on the Etherregen as well as the contribution of the Ocxo-switch I am not convinced that mere filtering suffices, though…