Best first track

Whenever I put Eric Clapton's Behind The Sun album on and the first track She's Waiting comes on my heart sings- other albums with a great first track suggestions? 


Selling England by the Pound Oh Yes!- putting it on now had totally forgotten what a cool album


I'm just a lawnmower, you can tell me by the way I walk

The Cure  -  Plainsong

The Cure  -  The Kiss

Siouxsie and the Banshees  -  Dazzle

A  few more:

Dylan "Free Wheelin'" -- "Blowing in the Wind"

Dylan "Blonde on Blonde" -- "Rainy Day Woman"

AC/DC "Back in Black" -- "Hell's Bells"

A lot of good suggestions, but I swear I don't know how anything could top "Gimme Shelter."