Getting a new electrical panel for the house.

Is there a certain SquareD model that you guys recommend over others and while it’s being replaced is there anything I should ask him to do while we’re there?


I’ve already got my dedicated 20amp runs to my room so I’m good there. 

Whole house surge maybe?


If it was me and had to choose a Square D panel, I would go with the QO because it has tin plated copper bus bars instead of aluminum.

Im a general contractor in Southern California, pretty much every job gets a Square D HOM series 200 amp main ,the other Square D service panel design is the QO which are a different breaker design. Here in So. Cal our building codes are pretty stringent.Im not sure about other states but the latest here is the Arc Fault breaker’s being required for almost every circuit in the house . Because these breakers require a full space ( not a split breaker) we always go with the largest breaker capacity panel we can find. The current Largest capicity 200 amp main from Them is either 30/60 or 40/80 meaning 30 or 40 full spaces and 60 or 80 splits. You didn’t say the square footage of the house but we’d install a 200 amp even if the house was 1000 square feet. Ive never understood the logic of installing a 100 or 150 amp main service when the cost for the unit itself is almost the same as a 200 .With 200 you’d be covered for whatever else you wanted to do in the future without needed a sub panel. The Solar ready panels that are required here in California also have copper busing ( not aluminum) which to my way of thinking is a plus and a few of they’re new models have plug on neutrals which are also  nice ,you can look up what the difference is with that online. The QO panels are going through a recall right now I believe so you better look into that ,I heard that there was a Problem with the new design.Best of luck to you .




Do a search for “whole house surge protector “ on Amazon and pick one that fits your budget. Read the reviews. Any is better than none. 

Yes whole house surge protector I forgot. Square D makes a whole house surge device for both breaker designed panels, very clean install.

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