Upgrade path direction

Due to a unfortunate situation with the plumbing in my finished basement (all of my gear was away and safe from damage) where my main listening system usually resides as I am working to replace drywall and carpeting I am also contemplating a gear upgrade for when I reassemble the room and my main 2 channel system rig.


Currently my setup is as follows:

Digital front end - Roon -> Node 2i -> Chord 2Qute

Analog front end - Pro-Ject Debut -> Schiit Mani

Linear Tube Audio Microzotl MZ2 -> First Watt Aleph J -> Klipsch RP-600M


While I would love to upgrade my speakers to something like a used pair of Zu Omen / Dirty Weekends or Wharfdale Linton Heritages Im not sure that is something I can convince my wife that we need.


So I have turned my attention to the Phono Preamp and the Preamp. Would an upgrade to a my phono preamp to something like a Sutherland or Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ be a better option, or upgrading my preamp to an a used Audio Research LS25 or Cary SLP-98?


I'm thinking I would realize a bigger difference with the phono upgrade, but figured I would poke for opinions on here. As always, thank you for your time and comments!




I recently purchased  a Herron Line Stage, and the sound quality of my system took an enormous upswing. I found my phonostage was a lot better than I knew it was. Digital front end, too!



Get rid of all your vinyl stuff and buy a decent streamer/DAC.  Almost unlimited selection on Qobuz, and better SQ.  The speakers really are in need of replacement, too.

I’m with GHD, if you are going to stick to separates a great preamp is a must. But the speakers are what “speak” to you. If it were me, I would audition a few pairs of speakers with your current setup, then maybe a different pre. The Aleph is a nice amp, but not huge on the power side of things, so an efficient speaker is a must.

What is your budget? Maybe time for a full reset, update everything, maybe a great integrated and go from there? Might be easier to sell with a new set of speakers, simplifies everything. Less cables, etc.

Regarding the rest of the system, get the front end dialed then go from there.