Amp's that are better sounding than a nad 3020

Hi, I'm sourcing for an integrated amp that doesn't needs to have much power, the budget is 300$ what do I choose?


right. What Eric asked.  Are you talking a 40 year old product?  It was great, at the time.  I still have one squirreled away somewhere in fact. I suspect there are many better, but most are not $300, more like $1000+

Take a look at the Yamaha A-S301 and the Cambridge Audio AXA25.  Not a lot of choices at your target budget.

Each amp has it’s " qualities ", attracting various listeners. What speakers are you listening through ? What is / are your sources ? What music do you listen to / enjoy ? How loud do / would you listen ? Do you listen at a distance, or nearfield ? BTW, I am assuming you are talking about the original 3020, or the later 3020a. Have you ever heard a completely rebuilt and upgraded 3020 ?, as the circuits were brilliant for that time.


have two sets of bookshelf speakers 

one is 4 ohms 90 dBSL AND OTHER 

6 ohms at 87dBSPL for a 2,83v input at one meter

what amp rating in watts do I need for my 

12’x14’x8’ room?


I’ve tried several integrated amps for the above speakers

Peachtree 150

Arcam  sa10

Rotel A14
