Scaena 3.2 has 12 4 inch midrange drivers which work like full range without any passive crossvoer.
9 ribbon drivers are added with simple capacitor (6k hz cutoff).
They use active crossover at 120 hz. Thus two 18 inch subwoofers covers bass while mail tower covers frequency abover.
I had used two Scaena 18 inch subwoofers to augment subbass of Lansche 4.1 or Altec A7 for 30 months before assemvly of main tower last week.
My impression of two 18 inch subwoofers is positive with fast and tight bass with deep extension.
But somehow, two 18 inch subwoofers doesn not sound very weighty compared with Altec A7 bass horn.
Altec A7 bass horn give authoritiva bass although it starts tapering off at 50 hz and no signal below 30 hz.
When I added two 18 inch subwoofers to Altec A7 at 56hz using crossover of Crwon XLS 2502, they worked very nice.
Thus I had connected main tower of Scaena 3.2 above 500hz to see what happen.
They worked pretty nice as witnessed by Erik (Solypsa).
It may sound crazy to mix and match 60 years old vintage driver with modern speaker.
I had also tried 290 hz using Pap C1 active crossover.
it also work very nice.
Scaena 3.2 is one of the best speaker available in giving widest and deepes soundstage but also with clean mid range and treble using multiple drivers.
With slim line source, soundstage extend beyond my window.
Also I can easily pinpoint different instruments back and forth.
I will be out of town for three weeks to spend time with my 30 months old grandchild.
I will report more on August.