Using Adcom GFA-555s as monoblocks to power magnepan 3.3s in active biamp

Yeah, a long title but it says it all.  Presently I have my rebuilt Magnepan 3.3rs actively biamped through a Marchand active crossover, then using 2 stereo amps to power bass and mid/treble respectively.

I am considering taking two Adcom GFA-555s and bridging them and using one each to power the bass panels of the maggies. 

Since the Magnepans are 4 ohm rated, however it's only the bass panels I'd be powering, what are your thoughts on stability?

Appreciate the help.  Don't need suggestions on "selling all my amps and buying one bigger one" - I have a lot of different amp options but am a tinkerer and want to see if the power of a bridged adcom would be good to control the bass panels. 

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Adcom GFA 555 and a Nak PA-7...that's a blast from the past !

They are fun amps.  I do have a number of more modern, beefier amps for the Maggies but I've been doing some swapping as I also added some speakers I wanted to hear with the better/newer amps.  

I think especially the Nak is a good value - bought it for like $250.  Basically a buck a watt for the current the thing will put out.  Also helps to heat the room in the winter!

I am using two Bryston 3B amps to biamp similar to as you propose but horizontal biamp. I use a Bryston 10B crossover. Per the directions in the Magnepan manual (I have IIIa Maggies), i do not use the crossover boxes and changed the jumpers on the back of the speakers. I can provide you with my crossover setting if you like. I use one amp for the bass and one for the midrange/high.

i do not use the crossover boxes and changed the jumpers on the back of the speakers. 

This is what I do as well. Magnepans are the best for biamping because of the external crossovers. I have a Marchand crossover - or to be precise a custom built one using a Marchand board.