Kronos Sparta or TechDas Air Force III?

Hi all,

I have the opportunity to buy one of them. They are both used but with one year warranty. Soon I will have the chance to listen to the Kronos, but it is difficult to listen to second and this is why I need your opinion and experience.




I’d be happy with either. I’ve heard the Kronos-amazing. Air Force One-WOW! Not a fair comparison, but I would imagine the III isn't giving up much.

It’s a shame you have settle for the "lower tier" Tech Das(smirk)

Engineering and the vacuum hold down of the Tech Das would sway me.

If it was me I'd be going for the Tech Das no question. I believe it has a better heritage and better isolation but sadly I can't afford either, even used.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

Reviewer Greg Weaver has the Kronos TT and absolutely loves it.  I would go with the Kronos. Kronos is an established company, Tech Das is not.  What happens if Tech Das folds in a few years and you need parts?   You will have a very expensive boat anchor. 

I do like the History of the Chief Designer from Tech Das and the TT's left in the wake of the career moves have been nothing short of very much sought after.

I also know that he still has a passion for TT design and will be seen delving into the designs that are present at a attended commercial event.

I would not suggest this is the sole reason to consider a TT, but it in reassuring to know where some of the design considerations may have evolved from, and how successful they have been as an older generation technology.