Best resistors for use in phono stage?

It wondering if there's a better SQ resistor for this purpose? My new to me phone stage has a slot to try custom values. I need 380 and or 390 ohm. Thanks for the help.


Interesting @woofhaven1992 .

I seem to be getting differing view points. I was hoping to get a concencous opinion. Maybe it's too subjective. I would've thought the music signal went through the loading resistors.

@woofhaven1992 ​​​​​​, shunt or series have the same effect on sound.

What passes through the loading resistor is current, as basically it is placed across cartridge's output terminals, so the resistor quality would have an influence.

What passes through the loading resister goes to ground.  The signal going to the rest of the phono stage does not pass through this resistor.  Can it still affect the sound?  I don’t know for certain, but, I suspect that it matters, but it is not as critical as other components more directly in the signal path.

I’m confused as a novice, if what passes through the resistor goes to ground, how do resistor values affect SQ? IE: cartridge performance?