Why Is Hi Fi Gear So Darn Expensive?

Why Is Hi-Fi Gear So Darn Expensive?! - The Absolute Sound

Interesting read.

"I recently heard a small 2-way stand mount speaker at a show. The sound was excellent. The product was priced at $50,000 or thereabouts, per pair. Allowing for distribution and marketing leaves about $25,000."

$25000 for distribution and marketing? Really? That much more for this than a similar product at 1/10th the cost?

I don’t doubt the marketing cost per unit could be much higher with boutique products. Makes sense. Is the cat is out of the bag regarding the value proposition of boutique products?

How about fancy fuses marketed for free here that cost practically nothing to ship? Oh my!

I guess there are "excellent" expensive boutique products and others that offer value everywhere. Hifi not unique. Take your pick! Live and learn!

The article also chalks up people’s reactions to high-fi prices to emotion. What about the sound they hear? Real or emotionally distorted? What would Mr. Spock think about that? I know he likes music...he plays a harp!


I tried really hard to get the best sound i can afford. I did not have a big budget so i ended up with USED but "like new condition" items.

Aerial 5T with Pangea stands, Parasound Hint 6, and a new Bluesound Node (new model) with a Tidal hifi subscription. Paid a little north of $5k for all of it. I think it sounds great, and i couldn't be happier at this price.

I often buy used but a while back I commissioned an amp to be built.   It was about twice my original budget but from the feedback of other owners it will be worth every penny.  Hopefully that will be true.   My kids are grown,  have high paying careers so now that I have no obligations I said screw it and had something special built.



Thanks !  I should have it pretty soon and hopefully be done for a while .

I was just in Vienna and bought a Carl Bucherer Scubatec Patravi. 

Carl Bucherer Scubatec

With discount and a tax refund (Austria policy for foreigners buying goods) I paid about $4500 on a watch that lists for $5,200 before taxes. Did I get a deal? No, not really. The things that go into the price of a watch besides parts include R+D, advertising, and building prestige such as paying Keanu Reeves to wear one in the latest John Wick movie. 

It amounts to this; https://www.wpdiamonds.com/swiss-watches-expensive/#3