At the end is an unipivot design and all kind of developed distortions pass trhough the pivot trhough one single " point " with no real opportunity to dissipates it and the developed feedback pass trough that single " point " when in a gimball those distortions pass trhough a bearing with more than one point ( in the EPA 100 are 25 ruby balls. ) that helps to dissipates it and feedback too.
This comment is complete nonsense and here is why -
A unipivot has a higher contact force due to the point load and mechanically is actually more rigid through that point load than gimbal bearings. With traditional bearings such as the Technics you have multiple balls in the ball race, each rattling around, and loose. If the bearings in the Technics are not loose the arm won't work.
In terms of energy transfer - when you have 2 materials joined and send energy through that joint some energy passes through and some gets reflected back.
In the case of your Technics example the roller bearings provide a multiple paths for energy flow and multiple reflections back into the arm tube.
Properly designed the unipvot is more likely to have far superior control of energy flow through the pivot than a gimbal arm.
And please don't confuse the unipvot wobble with energy transfer - these are two different issues.
The statement quoted above shows a complete lack of understanding of basic engineering engineering principles.