new Accuphase dp 500?

anyone bought it yet? how it sounds?
I did is inferior to Emm cdsa and Lindemann 820 and Esoteric p03/d03.
Emm cdsa se is awesome and best value for money from all the above, which are reference class.

In Europe the price for Emm labs cdsa is 12000 EUR (US $16500) while the Accuphase is 5600 EUR (US $7700). Obviously they are not in the same price category. Or are you going to import a 115V model Emm labs from the US? ;-)
Are you sure Dp-78 is inferior?
Lindemann is a german made gear and even couldn't score better than Accuphase Dp-78.(Audio, Stereo, Image Hi-fi...)
In my "town" Accuphase has 7200 euros and EmmLabs 9500 euros. So it's a no-brainer. The performance and class difference is very huge between Emmlabs cdsa se and all the Accuphase "single boxes" out there. Maybe the new twin-box of accuphase (which came with the same technology as Emm labs -twice sacd upsampling- and after it) is better but is twice the price.

as for the german magazines please note that the Lindemann model is 820S, also there is a new model 822 with most of 820S performance and without the digital inputs and preamp in 6.800 euro.

Finally if someone really can import the Emm from US it will cost him around 6200euros but he must "deal" import taxes and shipping costs. (the unit is voltage selectable)
So, if I understand EMM Labs is way better than Accuphase. Kops, why are you curious about the DP-500 if you already know that it is inferior to EMM Labs?
