new Accuphase dp 500?

anyone bought it yet? how it sounds?
Are you sure Dp-78 is inferior?
Lindemann is a german made gear and even couldn't score better than Accuphase Dp-78.(Audio, Stereo, Image Hi-fi...)
In my "town" Accuphase has 7200 euros and EmmLabs 9500 euros. So it's a no-brainer. The performance and class difference is very huge between Emmlabs cdsa se and all the Accuphase "single boxes" out there. Maybe the new twin-box of accuphase (which came with the same technology as Emm labs -twice sacd upsampling- and after it) is better but is twice the price.

as for the german magazines please note that the Lindemann model is 820S, also there is a new model 822 with most of 820S performance and without the digital inputs and preamp in 6.800 euro.

Finally if someone really can import the Emm from US it will cost him around 6200euros but he must "deal" import taxes and shipping costs. (the unit is voltage selectable)
So, if I understand EMM Labs is way better than Accuphase. Kops, why are you curious about the DP-500 if you already know that it is inferior to EMM Labs?

Dazzdax, I was searching the market for a good digital source, after I sold my Audiomeca Mephisot II and having Sony999es in the interim and just could not beared it.
This process is started the last summer and I hope finishes this summer.

Then I found a good deal in Japan for the dp500 and liked the idea. In the meantime I heard many good digital sources like: Emmlabs cdsa se, Consonance droplet, Hegel 4amkII, Lindemann 820, 822, Accuphase dp78, Meridian g08, Esoteric X03se, Esoteric ux03se, Esoteric po3-d03, Cary 306sacd, Theta VIII dac, Esoteric x01, AccusticArts Drive1&dac mkIII....

The best impression of all the above had from the Esoteric p03/d03, Lindemann and Emmlabs cdsa se. For financial reasons the esoteric p03/d03 is out of the question. Then I decided I can think a better choice from the 5000euros category and after hearing the emmlabs & lindemann the road turned with no return.

Also the good deal in Japan (it was really tempting)included 100v version and I don't want to mess with the conversion. In my region the dp500 costs more than 7200euros so that making it unattractive choice.

IMHO the Emmlabs cdsa sa (for my ears) has the most right instrument timbre and an analogue sound never met in other digital sources so far. Maybe is the shape of things to come, already Accupahse with dp800 & dc-801 adapted the same path and I think dCs also.
Lindemann is a fantastic choice as well, but being in Europe with 10.300 retail for lindeman and 9500 Emmlabs retail (due to currency balance) is obvious for me my future digital choice and if I can finally afford it.

I'm sure the Emmlabs cdsa SE is a very good player. However, I think the voltage is preset from the factory and not selectable for the user. You should check this if you consider importing from the US. (I think many of the other models from Emm labs have selctable voltage).