What is the best 2 channel listening chair?

I've been using a Ames lounge chair for years, it looks and feels good ...but it's a little low...l was ready for an upgrade. I was reading you should avoid chairs that are higher that the shoulder, but l will choose comfort first,nothing too bulky,no theater seats.I recently purchased a Human touch pc610 (optioned out).So far its been fantastic.Any input or ideas on this subject would be appreciated. 





Ugg slippers=ugly.  Can’t stand uggs, do not see or feel their appeal. 

A family friend has the Gamut "hifi" Lobster chair and I've sat in it a few times. It is quite comfortable, but at 6K cdn, I can buy alot of records for that price, or a couple of gallons/litres of premium gasoline.....

For critical listening, I use my dining chair in near field listening.

For enjoyment, I use my soft comfy relaxing recliner.  And a different set of speakers.