Speakers known for great midrange.

I’m looking for a pair of stand mount speakers with great midrange. Smooth,and syrupy. Powering them with Pass INT-25. Any suggestions are appreciated.



Unfortunately here in the UK it's next to impossible to get to hear ATC and Harbeth side by side.


When it comes to midrange what's the consensus around the single driver Pearl Acoustics Sybelius?

It's designer, Harley Lovegrove, certainly seems to be a man of conviction.

Yep, another one to go on the wish to hear list.


Usher audio unseated the salon 2's in my room. Focal has a nice presentation if you're looking for more inner detail, dynaudio if you like the edges rounded off a little, Kef is also very good but a bit fussy regarding toe in to get upper bass to blend in just right. The new Perlisten at Axpona would be promising bookshelves for detail junkies also. I have no idea what meridian is doing anymore but they used to make some really good sounding stuff also.