Can I replace a 24uF capacitor with 22uF?

I am planning on replacing the Bennic caps on my Tannoy Turnberry SE low frequency crossovers with either Mundorf Supreme or ClarityCap MR, depending on how many caps I need to buy. Currently there are two 12uF caps in parallel. Can I just replace these with one 22uF cap without hearing any significant shift in frequency balance?
24uf of Clarity MR is quite expensive. I'd suggest using a 20uf Clarity ESA 630v and parallel a 4uf Clarity MR for the final value. That'll give you 95% of the benefit of using the MR for full value.
Can I just replace these with one 22uF cap without hearing any significant shift in frequency balance?
Possibly not "significant" but it depends on the type of xover.
Tannoy usually voice their products very carefully and I would urge you to just replace the caps with the exact same values.
Vapor1, I am intrigued by this idea. Can the 4uF cap really have that much influence even though it is only roughly 16% of the total capacitance?